Pretty Blossoms is the brain child of Mrs Selma Jose who has a passion to create handcrafted items. She has experience of over 15 years in designing and crafting these items. Most of her creations are unique and customized depending on individual customer needs  and taste.

The material used for creating these beautiful items are handpicked to ensure long life and durability. These items are handcrafted for special occasions like holy baptism, holy communion, wedding etc. Designs are constantly refreshed to ensure that the latest trends are taken into account.

The other items include artificial flowers, bouquets and hair accessories especially for girls. If you are looking for something custom made. 

As you know artificial flowers is a good alternative to natural flowers and is useful for gifting during special occasions. She regularly takes classes for students who show a keen interest in creativity.  She is based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)

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